There are lots of great surf stretches. Literally hundreds. It‘s a hard choice but when people ask me what’s the BEST one? I’d have to go with Pigeon Pose — a hip opening, glute stretching, quad flexing pose. I like this one for surfer yoga because it targets so many areas and when the waves are pumping, let’s be honest, who wants to stretch for 15 minutes before? Just make sure to stay in this pose for 2 min each side to get the maximum benefit.

To perform the Pigeon Pose, start in a tabletop position, then bring one knee forward toward the same-side wrist while extending the opposite leg behind. Aim to align the front knee with the wrist and the front foot toward the opposite hip. Gradually lower the hips toward the floor while keeping the spine elongated and the chest lifted. Breathe deeply to release tension and deepen the stretch. Repeat on the opposite side to ensure balance and symmetry. Regular practice of the Pigeon Pose not only improves hip flexibility and range of motion but also helps prevent injuries common among surfers, such as strains and imbalances.